
August 2018 – Migration Updates

Great Migration Camps checked in with Wildebeest Whisperer, Carel Verhoef, about an action packed month following the wildebeest in their cyclical quest for food and water.  Here are the latest updates and predictions for the Great Wildebeest Migration.  Great Migration Camps has also had Migration Updates from guides, camps and lodges out in the field.

Take a look at the incredible journey of survival as the great wildebeest migration meets the Mara River in 2018. Footage from this season – the build-up, the action, the crossings, the successes and the fatalities.

The Wildebeest Migration in August 2018

The first little crossings happened in early July but as we predicted August has again been the best month for river crossings on the Serengeti side. Big herds of wildebeest crossed the Western Corridor in late July and they congregated in large numbers near Makutano and Nyamalumbwa  Hills, as there was lots and lots of grazing.  Initially these herds started moving north – predominantly through the Eastern sector of the Serengeti, with numerous crossings at the Sand River.  There were also some good crossings between Makutano and Crossing Point No 7 at the end of July and early August.

However Nature, being what it is, decided to throw some good widespread rains (40-50mm) over the Central and Northern Serengeti in early August.  Within a week, short new grass was sprouting on the plains, rejuvenating huge areas that had been burnt by TANAPA authorities south of the Mara River, all along the Kichwa Tembo road and Ndasiato. These juicy grasses, lured the wildebeest southwards and the big herds moved onto the Lamai Wedge and then south to the plains beyond Kuria Hills.  Some fabulous south-bound crossings between Crossing Point No 4 and No 7.

Finally, in the past few days, there has been a bigger push north by the herds, to the Mara Reserve and Mara Triangle in Kenya.  At last there have been some sizeable crossings on the Kenyan side.

Must Watch Video! Crocodile takes wildebeest during 2018 Migration Crossing Season.

Migration Update: 3 August 2018

Huge rain on the Serengeti side and a shift of movement back to the south, will this drive the herds back to the Serengeti? Watch the video of the herds on the plains sent by Carel here 

Migration Update: 30 July 2018.

Crossings continue from south to north towards the Lamai Wedge and the Masai Mara. Yesssss! See the video from guide, Hamza Nyelo here

Migration Update: 7 August 2018

Huge crossing of 2 hours from north to south at Number 1 on the Serengeti Side. Wonderful day on the Mara River.  See the river crossing video from Carel here

Migration Update: 12 August 2018

Two hour crossing from north to south, new grass on the plains after extensive burning and recent rain driving the herds back south between the Kitchwa Tembo road and the Sand River, daily crossings.

Migration Update: 13 August 2018

Huge crossing at No 3 in front of Lemala Mara.  Video capture by Frank Gabriel here

Migration Update: 16 August 2018

This update from guide Onesmus Ole Irungu as huge herds arrive on the Masai Mara side – nice month ahead on the Mara triangle or reserve sides. See the pictures here

Migration Update: 18 August 2018

Baraka Willium from Lemala reports daily crossings and the herds on the move again back to the north. Watch the video here

Migration Update: 18 August 2018

The wildebeest keep coming on the Serengeti side. Update from Alex Walker Serian’s Serengeti North camp. See rivercrossing video here

Migration Update: 19 August 2018

Big crossings video on the Kenyan side, from guide Sammy Kaleku as the wildebeest move from East to West across the Mara River in Kenya. See video here

Migration Predictions

Good crossings are expected on the Kenyan side of the eco-system throughout September. It will be interesting to see how far north the herds venture this year, with a year of unpredictable weather and patterns.  The Serengeti side should continue with some river crossings as the wildebeest continue to move northwards.

Great Migration Camps Availability

Great Migrations Camps will be moving to Kenya – on the Mara Triangle side of the Masai Mara Reserve.
Limited spaces still available at special campsite Kiboko in the southern Mara Triangle until 20th Sept. Or join us when we move just south of Little Governors camps from 20th to the end of September.

Game Package Rates $330 and Full board Rates $230 (excludes Park Fees and getting there).
Contact us for last minute specials or resident rates.

Contact: +255 686 493 065 |  Email:

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